All writing, photos and artwork are the property of School of Natural Learning  teachers and students.
Permitted uses are for non-profit educational purposes only.
© School of Natural Learning, Inc. TM
Blue Deer
Stencil and Chalk on
Kiana 3
Areli 5
Shurrod 4
Ulysses 5
Kienna B 5
Davon 5
Angel 4
Jerailda 4
William 4
Valeria 4
Nasir 5
Rashod 4
Lucas 5
Diana 5
Joshua 4
(under construction
Image Leaf & Hand Studies
Studies: Leaf & Hand
Related reading:

The Journey of Tunuri
and  The Blue Deer

The Little Yellow Leaf
click on image for
larger view
"Genuine art, we might say, is simply human creation that does not stifle the non human
element but, rather, allows whatever is other in the materials to continue to live and to
breathe...Thus understood, art is really a cooperative endeavor, a work of co creation in
which the dynamism and power of earth-born materials is honored and respected. In return
for this respect, these materials contribute their  more - than - human resonances to human
culture." - David Abram, The Spell of the Senuous
In a collaboration with Community Services for Children, Inc., School of Natural Learning  presents The StoreFront Gallery, located in the
windows of a former Easton department store, is an outgrowth of the West Ward Neighborhood Partnership's plan for strategic improvements to
Northampton Street in Easton,  Pennsylvania.  The year round exhibitions of artwork by children are presented  by Community Services for
Children, Inc, and School of Natural Learning, based on an curriculum developed by School of Natural Learning and implemented in three Head
Start classrooms. The curriculum integrates  multiple domains of learning - with emphasis on literacy, science, and social learning. Artwork by
individual children is identified by name and age.  Collaborative Art works are identified by classroom.